미국 CFRE 모금자격증 인증 과정PROGRAM 2024. 6. 19. 17:34
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미국 <국제공인모금전문가> 자격증(certification)
CFRE(Certified Fund Raising Executive) 인증과정을
소개하게 되어 무척 기쁩니다!!!
CFRE는 전세계 30여개국에 약 8천명이 보유한 인증자격으로
모금의 전문성과 윤리성에 대한 글로벌 시험과정입니다.
NPO스쿨의 과정은
미국 CFRE International에서 공식인증받은 프로그램으로
CFRE 자격시험에서 40 credit이 인증됩니다.
NPO스쿨은 미국 CFRE의 공식인증을 국내 두번째로 획득했습니다.
이 프로그램의 특징은 최근 모금영역의 국제적 화두인
모금수행에서의 조직전문가와의 협업,
인공지능 활용방안이 포함되었다는 점입니다.
시험에 응시할 분들은 아래 프로그램을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
문의 최지혜(CFRE): wisdom3340@gmail.com
*수요가 발생하면 교육이 개최되는 on-demand 방식입니다.
*이 과정을 공동운영하고 싶은 기관은 연락주세요.
이 TM을 허락없이 사용하지 마세요.
NPO School Specialist Course(CFRE official)
- The course operated by NPO School, the non-profit institution specialized in creating impact and securing sustainability of non-profit organizations with education, workshop, consulting and coaching service since 2015.
- Jihae Choi(CFRE, South Korea) is the manager of the course.
- Entire KDs are Knowledge Domains for CFRE test contents.
- The course provides totally 40 CFRE educaion credits.
- Trainee can participate all KDs or partially choose several KDs depending on their situation.
- ‘CFRE ABC’(CFRE Introduction) is provided all trainees not only who join in all KDs but also participate in specific KDs.
- All courses are conducted only by in-person for small group within 5 persons.
- Each KD includes discussion, case studies or book review sessions.
- The training fee is recorded in each course.
- The course needs 5 reading assignments.
no Book title Author Language 1 Generation impact:
How next gen donors are revolutionizing givingSharna Goldseker
Michael MoodyKorean (Translated version) 2 The essence of strategic giving:
A practical guide of donors and fundraisersPeter Frumkin Korean (Translated version) 3 Doing good better Edfar Stoesz Korean (Translated version) 4 Non-profit management Lee Jaehyun Korean 5 Beyond fundraising Kay Sprinkel Grace English KD Agenda Details Credit Intro CFRE training course
Beyond license itself but reaches basic concept and meaning to teach the harmony of empathy and profession as a expert- CFRE ABC What is CFRE? CFRE Introduction
Introduction, perception, and expectations
Application, study guide, sample test questions
Objective of this training course1 KD1 Current and Prospective Donor Research (6 credits)
Not only skill set but seeking donors’ changing perspectives in philanthropy and maximizing competency in digital transforming period1 Philanthropy
and fundraisingWhat is philanthropy?
Glance at evolution of communities and civil society
Observing thoughtful philanthropic leaders’ idea
Discussion: Public interest, public benefit and common good2 2 Fundraising
for impactWhy impact?
Approaching social impact strategies on fundraising plans
Driving ideas on social impact to expand philanthropic culture
Discussion: Book review(Generation impact: How next gen donors are revolutionizing giving / Sharna Goldseker, Michael Moody)2 3 Optimizing
strategiesNew chapter, new technology.
Addressing philanthropic landscape to seeking prospective donors
Donor research and evaluation process(Identifying, qualifying, rating) and donor data management in the era of advanced technology
Developing donor prospects by analysis on limited information
Discussion: How digital world changes fundraising fields?2 KD Agenda Details Credit KD2 Securing the Gift (9 credits)
Audacious and considerate invitation for mission1 Donor transformation Why do donors give?
Psychology of giving and understanding transformational donors
Designing case for support and fundraising items
Donor-focused solicitation strategies and fundraising programs
Discussion: Negotiating and dealing with donor’s rejection2 2 Major gift
approachFraming major gift
Defining major gift perception by distinction from grass-root fundraising
Understanding capital campaign, planned gift, DAF, etc.
Designing asking event and programs for high net worth donors
Discussion: How set a case statement for stimulating lead gifts?5 3 Effective
marketingHow to do marketing?
Defining ‘non-profit’ marketing with mindset of mission
Developing communication strategies and customer-centered branding
Dealing with social media and A.I. such as ChatGPT, Co-pilot and Claude
Discussion: Annual campaign with case studies2 KD Agenda Details Credit KD3 Relationship Building (6 credits)
Getting to know each other to walk together sharing responsibilities for common mission1 Cultivation and
move managementHow to build mission driven relation with donors?
Donor-centered perspective and its influence
Initiate and strengthen relationship creating opportunities the point of contact with donors
Move management cycle and communication skills with case studies
Discussion: Fundraiser’s self-awareness2 2 Donor
engagementMutual growth with donors
Strengthen personalized donor experience
Donor engagement strategies considering donor life cycle
Discussion: Book review (The essence of strategic giving: A practical guide of donors and fundraisers / Peter Frumkin)2 3 Donor
RecognitionDonor stewardship
Honoring donor’s intent
Designing stewardship policy with acknowledgment, recognition and report
Recognizing the generosity of donors in various way as size of gift with case studies
Discussion: Recognition policy with case studies2 KD Agenda Details Credit KD4 Volunteer Involvement (6 credits)
Fundraising is completed through mission driven collaboration with donors and ‘volunteers’1 Stakeholders
researchWhere are volunteers?
Categorizing stakeholders to mobilize resources
Framing stakeholder map and convert to donor map simply
Mapping out a campaign that volunteers lead
Discussion: Book review (Doing good better / Edfar Stoesz)2 2 Volunteer engagement Empowering and supporting volunteers
Inviting people to inner circle of organization to maximize fundraising capacity
Enhancing voluntary commitment by empowerment and activities
Managing effective volunteer operation for optimizing volunteer’s time and talent
Discussion: The limit and possibility of volunteering2 3 Volunteer led capital campaign Why capital campaign needs volunteer?
The volunteers as driving force of capital campaign
Finding right volunteer leaders for capital campaign committees
The effective management of capital campaign committees
Discussion: Good and bad practice case studies2 KD Agenda Details Credit KD5 Leadership and Management (6 credits)
Fundraising cannot go alone without healthy governance and leadership1 Governance as leadership Who are leaders?
Combining chairman group and president group as one
Involving leadership group for successful fundraising results
Discussion: Leadership, followership and stewardship2 2 Strategic
planningHow to plan?
Exploring strategic planning with definition on core commitments
Forming organizational profile: mission, vision and value
Connecting mission, vision and value to fundraising plan
Discussion: Book review (Non-profit management/Lee Jaehyun)2 3 Assessment
for impactHow to impact?
Defining assessment, evaluation and measurement on fundraising
Handling MBO, logic model, theory of change and OKR
Combining strategic plan and impact plan for up-scaling campaign
Discussion: Practical application on the job2 KD Agenda Details Credit KD6 Ethics, Accountability and Professionalism (6 credits)
The policy, attitude and capabilities for goodwork sustainability1 Ethics and accountability Foundation of trust
Understanding trusting relationship with donors and stakeholders
Management system and policy for retaining mutual trust
Applying social account and social audit to promote organizational transparency
Discussion: Book review (Beyond fundraising / Kay Sprinkel Grace)2 2 Accelerating fundraisers and fundraising team Converting learning into action, and learning again
Fundraisers’ own point of view for fundraising
Fundraising powered down
The strategy to accelerate action
Discussion: The good example showing accelerating with case studies2 3 CFRE
as professionsWhy CFRE?
Developing careers to step forward as CFRE
Difference of skilled worker and expert
Switching fundraiser to fundraising coach
Discussion: Freelancing and being hired as an employee2 CFRE 홈페이지 캡쳐 CFRE 홈페이지에서 이 과정 직접 확인하기->
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