For visitorsABOUT 2019. 2. 4. 23:56
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ABOUT Jaehyun Lee
JaeHyun Lee is a veteran consultant around Korea and Asia Pacific region with more than 20 years of experience in the non-profit, philanthropic, and social economy sectors.
He has practical experience at Korea's largest civic organization, Korea's largest fundraising organization, and the world's largest fundraising organization. This experience is the background that made him have the ability to become an outstanding pioneer in the field of international exchange as a Korean. His extensive leadership role allows him to set good examples in this sector. The organization's mission-oriented approach provides unique solutions for organizational development and strategic planning. In particular, strategic planning combined with organizational culture from the perspective of organizational health is his special feature. His capabilities go a long way in encouraging missions, visions, and strategies to become a calling for all stakeholders of the organization, not just slogans.
His knowledge and experience are completely field-oriented. He understands Asian sentiments and cultures better than anyone else. This fact is very useful in understanding why business models in Western societies cannot easily settle in Asia. His international experience goes beyond just knowing the knowledge of exchange and refers to his ability to convey it in a language acceptable to Asians.
He has continued such activities since he founded a consulting firm called NPO School. Over the past 10 years, he has conducted at least 1,500 lectures, 500 workshops and coaching, 200 consulting sessions, and 50 research projects. He contributed to the improvement of the health of not-for-profit organizations by publishing "Secrets of Fundraising", "Healthy Organizations", "The Essence is Organizational Culture", "The Consulting Guidebook of Non-profits" and "Non-profit Management" as the sole authors.He taught at several universities. His subjects are "Civil Society and Non-Profit Organizations", "Fundraising for Non-Profit Organizations", "Social Economy" and "Corporate CSR". Currently, NPO School is running its flagship program, "Healthy Non-Profit Management School". Major Gift Center, a subsidiary of NPO School, is in charge of certification fundraising education for CFRE International in the United States, and Healsong Clinic, sencond subsidiary of NPO School, provides therapy workshops for employee recovery and healing.
Services & programs
-His major expertise encompasses all elements related to non-profit management. Non-profit management consists of organizational characteristics, strategic planning, stakeholder and governance, HRM & HRD, evaluation and impact, communication and organizational culture, etc. He is also the only author of non-profit management in Korea, which consists of the table of contents.
-His services can cover all areas of any organization that pursues the public interest, such as non-profit organizations, charitable organizations, or social economy organizations. However, most of these issues are characterized by a focus on organizational development or strategic planning. This means that his services are mission-oriented.
Methodology & values
-He has great advantages in lectures and workshops. This is the main methodology for consulting. However, in this process, dialogue and coaching with leadership are conducted by necessity.
-In particular, workshops are distinct from the way formal answers are delivered. The process of directly participating and finding answers by members of the organization itself is a factor of immersion that increases the effectiveness of consulting. His program is designed thoroughly to meet the needs of customers.
-Value is a concept related to effectiveness rather than efficiency. Effectiveness is a concept that cannot be created unilaterally without excluding the experience of involvement. Through multiple sessions, he demonstrates the effect that customers want. Because every workshop and coaching describes the product in writing.Feasible business
- You can invite Jaehyun Lee to give a lecture or request consulting from him
- You can offering co-hosting of educational programs through human resources exchanges
- You can ask consulting support for your organizational development and fundraising
- You can receive recommendations or guides for visiting and touring nonprofit organizations in Korea
- You can have personal exchanges and network building for friendships
Contact point
for more about him and collaboration.
*His CV at the bottom
概要 JaeHyun Leeは、NPO、慈善、社会経済部門で20年以上の経験を持つベテランコンサルタントです。
彼はいくつかの大学で教鞭をとっており、彼の授業は「市民社会と非営利組織」、「非営利組織のための資金調達」、「社会経済」および「企業のCSR」です。 現在、NPOスクールでは「健康な非営利管理スクール」という主力プログラムを実施しています。NPOスクールの子会社であるMajor Gift Centerは、米国のCFRE Internationalのための認証資金調達教育を担当しており、NPO Schoolの2つ目の子会社であるHealsong Clinicは、従業員の回復と癒しのためのセラピーワークショップを提供しています。
サービスとプログラム -彼の主な専門知識は、非営利管理に関連するすべての要素を網羅しています。非営利管理は、組織の特性、戦略的計画、ステークホルダーとガバナンス、HRM&HRD、評価と影響、コミュニケーションと組織文化などで構成されています。彼はまた、目次を含む韓国で唯一の非営利管理の著者です。 -彼のサービスは、非営利組織、慈善団体、または社会経済組織など、公共の利益を追求するあらゆる組織のすべての分野を網羅できます。しかし、これらの問題のほとんどは、組織開発または戦略計画に焦点を当てていることが特徴です。これは、彼のサービスが使命志向であることを意味します。
方法論と価値観 -彼は講義やワークショップにおいて大きな利点を持っています。これはコンサルティングの主な方法論です。しかし、この過程では、リーダーシップとの対話とコーチングが必要に応じて行われます。 -特に、ワークショップは正式な回答を伝える方法とは異なります。組織のメンバー自身が直接参加して解答を見つける過程が、コンサルティングの効果を高める没入要因です。彼のプログラムは顧客のニーズに合うように徹底的に設計されています。 -価値は効率ではなく効果に関連する概念です。効果は、関与の経験を排除せずに一方的に生み出される概念ではありません。複数のセッションを通じて、彼は顧客が望む効果を示します。すべてのワークショップとコーチングが製品を文書化して記述します。
- Jaehyun Leeを招待して講演を依頼することや、コンサルティングを依頼することができます。
- 人材交流を通じて教育プログラムの共同開催を提供することができます。
- 組織の発展や資金調達に関するコンサルティングサポートを依頼することができます。
- 韓国の非営利団体を訪問し見学するための推奨やガイドを受けることができます。
- 友情を深めるための個人的な交流やネットワーク構築を行うことができます。
連絡先 npo@nposchool.com
关于 JaeHyun Lee是一位资深的顾问,在非营利、慈善和社会经济领域有超过20年的经验。
他自成立NPO School咨询公司以来,一直在进行这些活动。过去10年间,他进行了至少1,500次讲座,500次工作坊和辅导,200次咨询会议和50个研究项目。他通过出版《筹资的秘密》、《健康的组织》、《本质是组织文化》、《非营利组织咨询指南》和《非营利组织管理》等书籍,为非营利组织的健康改善做出了贡献。
他在数所大学任教,课程包括“市民社会和非营利组织”、“非营利组织筹资”、“社会经济”以及“企业社会责任(CSR)”。目前,NPO School正在运行其旗舰项目“健康的非营利管理学校”。NPO School的子公司Major Gift Center负责美国CFRE International的认证筹款教育,NPO School的第二个子公司Healsong Clinic则为员工的复原和治疗提供治疗工作坊。
服务及项目 -他的主要专业知识涵盖了与非营利管理相关的所有要素。非营利管理包括组织特性、战略规划、利益相关者和治理、HRM&HRD、评估和影响、沟通和组织文化等。他也是在韩国唯一一位涵盖目录的非营利管理的作者。 -他的服务可以覆盖所有寻求公共利益的组织,例如非营利组织、慈善组织或社会经济组织。然而,这些问题大多以组织发展或战略规划为特征。这意味着他的服务是以使命为导向的。
方法及价值 -他在讲座和工作坊方面具有很大优势。这是咨询的主要方法。但是,在这个过程中,必要时会与领导进行对话和辅导。 -特别是,工作坊不同于正式答案的传达方式。组织成员亲自参与并找到答案的过程是提高咨询效果的沉浸因素。他的项目是彻底设计以满足客户需求的。 -价值是与效果而非效率相关的概念。效果是一个不能排除参与经验而单方面创造的概念。通过多次会议,他展示了客户想要的效果。因为每个工作坊和辅导都会用书面形式描述产品。
- 您可以邀请Jaehyun Lee进行讲座或请求他的咨询。
- 您可以通过人力资源交流共同举办教育项目。
- 您可以为您的组织发展和筹款请求咨询支持。
- 您可以获得访问和参观韩国非营利组织的推荐或指南。
- 您可以进行个人交流和建立友谊网络。
联系方式 npo@nposchool.com
NPOschool Looking forward to connecting with you
JaeHyun Lee's CV ↓ ↓ ↓ click!
더보기Current Activities (in no particular order)
- Current CEO 0f NPOschool and Chair of the “NPO Cooperative” (since 2015)
- Current Leader of the Evaluation Committee for the Responsible Operation Agency (National Rehabilitation Center) under the Ministry of Health and Welfare (since 2025)
- Current Faculty of NPOschool Fundraising Specialist Academy certified by C.F.R.E. (since 2024)
- Current Associated Consultant of Nonprofit Builder in Switzerland (since 2024)
- Current Board Director of the National Environmental Sociology Association (since 2024)
-Current Planning Committee Member of the Philanthropy Education Center of the National Sharing Movement Headquarters (since 2016)
- Current Board Director of HiFamily Association (since 2016)
- Former Operating Committee Member of the Seoul Women's Development Institute (2021-2024)
- Former Planning and Promotion Subcommittee Member of the Community Chest of Korea, Seoul Branch (2019-2023), Social Contribution Advisory Committee Member (2019)
- Former Specialist Member of the National Central Volunteering Center (2020-2022)
- Former Education and Training Committee Member of the Korea Social Welfare Council (2016-2020)
- Former Auditor of Hansalim Seoul Cooperative (2020-2023)
- Former Deliberation Committee Member of Municipal Grant Review Committee of Seoul city (2018-2022)
- Former Planning Committee Member of the Public Management Center's Governance Research Institute (2020-2022)- Former Education Research Committee Member of the Environmental Education Center (2017-2021)
- Former Theatre Operation Advisory Committee Member of the National Arts Council (July 2020 - July 2021)
- Former Implementation Committee Member of the Seoul Lifelong Education Promotion Agency (2018-2020)
- Former Evaluation Committee Member of the Seoul Women's Development Institute (2018-2020), Advisory Committee Member (2019-2021)
- Former Operating Committee Member of Life Forest (2015-2020)
- Former Operating Committee Member of the Citizens Association (2016-2020)
- Former Evaluation Committee Member/Support Team of the Seoul Citizen Cooperation Platform (2017-2019)
- Former Consulting Committee Member of the Seoul Community Innovation Plan (2019)
- Former Advisory Committee Member of the Seoul Cooperative Capability Evaluation System (2019)
- Former Board Director of the International Youth Center (2016-2019)
- Former Judge of the Kakao Fundraising Platform, Value Together (2016-2019)
- Former Education Committee Member of the Capacity Building Committee of the Korea Volunteering Center Association (2018)
- Former Chair of the Operation Committee of the Refugee Human Rights Center (2016-2019)
- Former Member of the 11th Green Seoul Citizens Committee of Seoul city (Public Project Review/Environmental Education Subcommittee, 2016-2018)
- Former Adjunct Faculty Member at the Graduate School of Social Welfare at Kkottongnae University (2017)
- Former Integrity Committee Member at the Han River Flood Control Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (2017)
- Former Performance Indicator Operating Committee Member of the Seoul Community Support Center (2017)
- Former Adjunct Professor of NGO Studies at Kyung Hee Cyber University (2016)
- Former Faculty Member of the Korea Social Welfare Council (2016-2018)
- Former Support Project Judge at the Seoul 50 Plus Foundation (2016-2017)
- Former PQASSO* Mentor License by the British NCVO (October 2014 - October 2017)
*Practical Quality Assurance Systems for Small Organizations
- Former Initial Operating Committee Member of the Seoul NPO Support Center (2014-2015)
- Former Judge for the United Way Worldwide Common Good Awards (2014)
- Former Mentor for the Asia Social Venture Competition (2014-2015)
- Former Auditor of the Korea Group Home Association for Children and Youth (2006-2007)
Professional Experience
- Former Policy Office Secretary at the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ) (1998-2002)
- Former Senior Researcher at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2007-2009)
- Former Deputy Director at the International Education Center of the Community Chest of Korea (2009-2013)
- Former Director at the United Way Asia Pacific Learning Center, United Way Worldwide (2014)
- Laeder of NPOschool (2015 to present)
- Undergraduate: Bachelor of Business Administration (Student President, 1997)
- Graduate: Master of Political Science (Major in International Politics)
Consulting and Lectures (Summary)
- (Government/Public) Prime Minister's Office, Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Seoul City, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute, Korea Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education, Saemaul Movement Central Training Institute, Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL), Korean Intellectual Property Office, Inter-Korean Cooperation Support Association, Korea Road Traffic Authority, Post Office, Memorial Foundation for Democracy, Korea Women’s Human Rights Institute, National Rehabilitation Center, Korea Senior Citizens' Welfare Association, Korea Senior Citizens' Center, Korea Health Promotion Foundation, Korea Arboretum and Garden Management Institute, Seoul Design Foundation, Seoul Library, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul Women's Development Institute, Seoul Lifelong Education Promotion Agency, Seoul 50 Plus Foundation, Office of National Assembly Member Kim Jong-dae, Incheon City, Suwon City, Gwangju City, Asan City, Hongcheon County Office, etc.
- (Coalition/Intermediary Support Organizations) Korea Social Welfare Council, Korea Association of Social Welfare Centers, Korea Citizen Center Association, Seoul NPO Support Center, Seoul Community Support Center, Seoul Labor Rights Center, Seoul 50 Plus Center Association, Gyeonggi Community Support Center, Busan Citizen Movement Support Center, Gyeonggi Public Activity Support Center, Daejeon NGO Center, Daegu Public Activity Support Center, Seongnam/Cheonan/Gunpo/Nonsan/Gyeongnam/Naju Public Activity Support Center, Chuncheon Social Innovation Center, etc.
- (Universities/Education Institutions) Kyung Hee University, Hanyang University, Dongguk University, Soongsil University, Gyeongnam University, Hanshin University, Korea Social Welfare Administration Association, Korea NGO Association, etc.
- (Fundraising Organizations/Public Foundations) Community Chest of Korea, ChildFund Korea, Food for the Hungry, World Vision, Beautiful Foundation, UNICEF, Asan Nanum Foundation, Next Generation Foundation, Roh Moo-hyun Foundation, Dail Community, Global Welfare Foundation, Grassroots Hope Foundation, Overseas Korean Foundation, Together Working Foundation, G&M Global Culture Foundation, Korea Community Foundation Association, etc.
- (Social Welfare) Taehwa Social Welfare Center, Busan Christian Social Welfare Center, Seongnam Hanmaeum Social Welfare Center, Bangbae Caritas Social Welfare Center, Dongjak Social Welfare Center, Shingil Rehabilitation Center, Bangagol Social Welfare Center, Yurak Social Welfare Center, Banghwa 11 Social Welfare Center, Suseo Social Welfare Center, Umyun Social Welfare Center, Wolgye Social Welfare Center, Hanmaeum Social Welfare Center, Yongin Suji Rehabilitation Center, Gwacheon Market Rehabilitation Center, Busan Rehabilitation Center, Gwangju Rehabilitation Center, Gwangmyeong Market Rehabilitation Center, Suwon Market Rehabilitation Center, Birdnae Senior Center, Dongtan Ardim, Gwangmyeong Senior Center, Hwaseong Dongtan Senior Center, Hwaseong Senior Center, Sujeong District Senior Center, Busan Dongnae, Gwangju Emmaus, Seogwipo Rehabilitation Center, Gangwon Hyoja, Uijeongbu Nogyang, Incheon Manwol, Incheon Mansu, Incheon Yeonsu, Notre Dame, Tongyeong Social Welfare Center, Seoul/Gyeonggi/Incheon/Daejeon/Changwon/Cheongju/Namyangju Welfare Foundation, etc.
- (Civic Groups) CCEJ, YWCA, Uri Minjok Helping Movement, 416 Foundation, Environmental Federation, Environmental Justice, Green Federation, Korean Sharing Movement, Life Forest, Open Society Citizen Coalition, Women’s Hotline, Women's Emergency Hotline 1366, Daejeon Women Coalition, Unification and Sharing, Participatory Autonomy, Korean Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations, Organ Donation Movement Headquarters, Alternative Education Network, Korea Association for the Disabled, etc.
- (Volunteer Organizations) Korea Central Volunteer Center, National Volunteering Center Association, Korea Volunteer Council, Seoul Center/Mapo/Seocho/Gangnam/Junggu/Nowon/Yangcheon/Dongdaemun Center, Gyeonggi Center, Incheon Center, Daejeon Center, Chungbuk Center, Gwangju Metropolitan City Center, Jeonbuk Center, Goyang Center, Hwaseong Center, Gyeongju Center, Sejong Center, Osan Center, Ansan Center, Uijeongbu Center, Boryeong Center, etc.
- (Social Economy) Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency, Hansalim, Social Solidarity Bank, iCOOP, Beautiful Store, Dure Cooperative, Wooridongsaeng, Social Economy Research Institute, Happy Meal Cooperative, etc.
- (Religious Sector) CGN TV, Somang Church, Luke Mission Society, Catholic Archdiocese of Seoul, Incheon Christian Hospital, HiFamily
Research/Projects (Summary)
- Planned the theme exhibition hall for the 2005 APEC Summit (21 heads of state attended, 50,000 visitors)
- Drafted and concluded a donation proposal for Bill Gates of Microsoft (2007)
- Planned the 2007 United Way Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (10 countries, 100 participants)
- Overall planning for the 2009 Asia Pacific Retailers Convention & Exhibition (24 countries, 3,000 participants)
- Planned the 2010 United Way Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (8 countries, 30 participants)
- Planned the 2011 United Way Global Fellowship Program (10 countries, 30 participants)
- Planned the 2012 United Way Action Leaders Conference (5 countries, 10 participants)
- Planned the 2013 United Way Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (9 countries, 100 participants)
- Research on developing a social impact framework for NPOs (2014, Seoul NPO Support Center)- Planned the 2014 Fundraising for Impact Summit (Revenue Growth Conference) (9 countries, 50 participants)
- Planned the 2014 Corporate Impact Summit for Multinational Companies (10 countries, 130 participants)
- Follow-up research on developing a social impact framework for NPOs (2015, lead researcher, Seoul NPO Support Center)
- Mid-to-long-term strategy research for NPO support (2015, Seoul NPO Support Center)
- Advisory report on the next collaborative social contribution activities of the business community (2015, Federation of Korean Industries)
- Planned and managed the reception for the 2016 Seoul International Conference on Governance (4 countries, 130 participants)
- Guidebook for the social impact framework for NPOs (2016, lead researcher, Seoul NPO Support Center)
- Five-year human rights plan research for Eunpyeong District (2016, Eunpyeong District Office)
- Effectiveness analysis of sharing education (2016, National Sharing Movement Headquarters)- Research on developing health indicators for volunteers (2016, lead researcher, Seocho District Volunteer Center)
- Monitoring research for collaborative governance agenda projects (2017, lead researcher, Seoul City)
- Performance evaluation research for the Seoul Citizen Cooperation Platform (2017, lead researcher, Seoul City)
- Strategic planning research for the Korea Volunteer Center Association (2017, lead researcher, same association)
- Hosted the 2017 N-Forum “Changing Times, Disappearing Boundaries, What About Nonprofits?” (moderator, Asan Nanum Foundation)
- Research on civic collaboration training programs for Seoul’s cooperative governance agenda (2018, lead, Seoul City)
- Basic plan research for happiness enhancement in Jongno District (2018, lead researcher, Jongno District Office)
- Consulting research for strengthening community collaboration capabilities and foundations (2018, Dongdaemun District Office)
- Public forums on collaboration in Yangcheon/Seongbuk/Gangdong Districts (2019, lead, each district office)
- Monitoring of lifecycle-based sharing education (2019, National Sharing Movement Headquarters)
- Education and consulting support for community innovation planning (2019, lead, Seoul City)
- Focus group interview analysis for community innovation planning (2019, lead researcher, Seoul City)
- Performance evaluation for Seoul’s Non-electric Workshop project (2019, lead researcher, Seoul City)
- Consulting and model development for library projects envisioned by local residents (2019, lead, Seoul Library)
- Custom consulting research for volunteer centers in Daegu’s autonomous districts (2019, lead researcher, same center)
- Research on developing sustainable norms through qualitative change in volunteer centers (2019, lead researcher, Korea Volunteer Center Association)
- Hosted nationwide collaborative governance training for public officials (Prime Minister’s Office, Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization, Ministry of the Interior and Safety)
- Education contracts for collaborative governance in Jongno/Yangcheon Districts (2019, lead, each district office)
- Public forums on library issues in Gangseo/Seocho Districts (2019, lead, each district office)
- Support services for the Seoul Social Agreement between the city government, civil society, and local communities (2019, lead, Seoul City)
- Research on developing performance evaluation systems for Gangseo District’s cooperative governance (2019, lead researcher, Gangseo District Office)
- Manual development for educational programs on improving organizational culture to prevent sexual harassment (2019, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)
- Basic research on community innovation planning for Dongjak District (2020, Dongjak District Office)
- Basic research on community innovation planning for Jung District (2020, lead researcher, Jung District Office)
- Development of educational content and LMS for volunteer manager training (2020, lead, Korea Central Volunteer Center)
- Research on developing a vision system for the Seoul Arts Education Center (2020, lead researcher, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture)
- Research on developing performance indicators for public interest activities (2020, lead, Daegu Citizen Public Activity Support Center)
- Mid-to-long-term development plan for the Yongsan Innovation Education District project (2020, lead researcher, Yongsan District Office)
- Case study research on small but strong boards (2021, lead researcher, Nonprofit Governance Research Institute)
- Mid-to-long-term development research for the Seodaemun District Volunteer Center (2021, Seodaemun District Office)
- Research on mentoring operations and support systems for the Hello Campaign (2021, lead researcher, Korea Central Volunteer Center)
- Research on defining sharing and spreading sharing culture (2021, lead researcher, Ministry of Health and Welfare)
- Consulting for performance management to realize social value (2021, lead, Jeollabuk-do Volunteer Center)
- Research on support systems for empowering victims of gender-based violence (2021, lead researcher, Korea Women’s Human Rights Institute)
- Mid-to-long-term development plan for the Jung District Volunteer Center (2021, lead researcher, Jung District Volunteer Center)
- Development of textbooks for the national certification of environmental educators on 'Management Diagnostics' and 'Environmental Education Program Consulting' (2022, author, National Environmental Education Center)
- Development of training materials and manuals for educational programs to improve organizational culture (2022, author, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)
- Research on developing performance goals for the Seoul Lifelong Education Promotion Agency (2022, Seoul Lifelong Education Promotion Agency)
- Mid-to-long-term goal development research for the Osan City Volunteer Center (2022, lead researcher, Osan City Volunteer Center)
- Case study research on successful network organizations (2023, lead researcher, Nonprofit Governance Research Institute)
- Research on developing project performance indicators for the Seoul Lifelong Education Promotion Agency (2023, Seoul Lifelong Education Promotion Agency)
Books (sole author)
- "The Secrets of Fundraising: Manager Na's Report" (2014, Arche Publishing)
Selected as a bestseller by Band&lunis in 2014
- "Healthy Organizations" (2017, Knowledge and Sensibility Publishing)
Selected as a bestseller by Naver in 2017/2020, ranked 1st in the civic movement/NGO category on Aladin in 2017, Top 100 in sociology on Yes24 for 13 weeks
- "The Essence is Organizational Culture" (2019, Barun Books Publishing)
Ranked 3rd in the social movement category on Aladin in 2019
- "Consulting Guidebook for Nonprofit Organizations" (2020, Korean Culture Publishing)
Top 20 in the social organization/NGO category on Yes24 for 16 weeks (peaked at 8th), ranked 3rd in the social movement category on Aladin in 2020
- “Healthy Non Profit Management” (2024, Korean Culture Publishing)
Presentations in public
- Corporate Fundraising Strategies of the Community Chest of Korea (2011, United Way Asia-Pacific Regional Conference)
- Secrets of the Growth of the Community Chest of Korea (2012, United Way Fellowship Conference)
- Establishing Programs Based on Collective Impact (2014, Korea Social Welfare Council)
- Bureaucratization of Social Welfare Organizations and Impact Strategies as Alternatives (2015, Korea Social Welfare Administration Association)
- Enhancing the Social Impact of Organizations (2015, Korea Child Welfare Association, national workshop special lecture)
- Volunteer Activities Centered on Mission (2015, Chuncheon Community Security Council, inauguration keynote lecture)
- The Role of Innovation in Community Social Welfare (2016, Korea Social Welfare Council, national practitioners' workshop special lecture)
- Organizational Health and Performance (2016, Catholic Archdiocese of Seoul Social Apostolate Office, overall workshop special lecture)
- The Volunteer Perspective: Seeing the World (2016, Korea Volunteer Culture, Hope Seed Inauguration Keynote Lecture)
- Outcome Frameworks and Cases for Nonprofits (2016, Beautiful Foundation)
- Actual Practice of Healthy Organizations (2017, Korea Association of Social Welfare Centers, national new social welfare center directors' workshop special lecture)
- Principles and Practice of Healthy Organizational Operations (2017, Korea Volunteer Center Association, national secretariat workshop special lecture)
- Citizen Democracy Stabilization Forum (2017, debate, Suwon City)
- Environmental Governance Temperature through Case Studies (2017, Environmental Governance Agenda Forum, Seoul City)
- Utilizing Governance Diagnostic Indicators for Governance Evaluation (2018, Seoul Citizen Participatory Budget Explanation Meeting, Seoul City)
- Significance and Direction of Agreement-based Evaluation for Citizen Cooperation Platforms (2018, Citizen Cooperation Platform Workshop, Seoul City)
- Organizational Health and Sustainability (2018, Environmental Governance Workshop Keynote Address, Environmental Education Center)
- Principles and Practice of Healthy Partnerships (2019, secretariat workshop special lecture, Gyeonggi Volunteer Center)
- Principles of Healthy Organizational Culture (2019, board special lecture, Hansalim Federation)
- Operations of Healthy Organizations (2019, Korean School Principals Training, Overseas Korean Foundation)
- Spreading the Culture of Corporate Volunteering with the Community (2019, Incheon Volunteer Forum Keynote Address, Incheon City)
- Creating Libraries as Community Hubs (2019, Knowledge Connection Forum Keynote Address, Seoul City)- Changes in the Nonprofit Sector Post-COVID19 (2020, Chungbuk Citizen Society Forum Keynote Speech, Chungbuk NGO Center)
- Topic Shift: Discussing on Online Platforms (2020, Eunpyeong Citizen University Forum, debate, Eunpyeong Lifelong Education Center)
- Changes and Challenges for Nonprofits for Social Change (2020, Social Value Connect Conference, debate, SK)
- Changes in the Nonprofit Sector Post-COVID-19 (2020, Special Lecture at the Vocational Rehabilitation Support Project Evaluation Conference for Severely Disabled People, Korea Disabled Persons Development Institute)
- Presentation on 'Small Boards, Strong Organizations' Case Study (2022, Good Governance Case Study Presentation, Public Management Center)
- Activation of Voluntary Service Based on ESG (2022, Administrator Academy, Gwangju Metropolitan City Volunteer Center)
- Leading Organizations with Healthy Organizational Culture (2023, Secretariat Training, Korea Disability Welfare Center Association)
- Is Organizational Culture Change Necessary in Social Welfare Fields? (2023, Rebooting School Seminar, Jeju Welfare E-Marue)
- Value-Driven Governance of Network Organizatios (2025, 21st Annual Nonprofit Leadership and Governance Symposium, University of San Diego)
Education and Training (Summary)
- 2007 United Way Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (Seoul, Korea)
- 2008 Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Conference (San Diego, USA)
- 2009 Forum for International Retail Association Executives (FIRAE) (New York, USA)
- 2011 United Way Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (Bangkok, Thailand)
- 2012 United Way Community Leaders Conference (Nashville, USA)
- 2012 United Way Leadership Forum (Geneva, Switzerland)
- 2012 United Way Community Impact Training (Taipei, Taiwan)
- 2013 Corporate Impact Summit (Sydney, Australia)
- 2013 United Way International Network Team Workshop (Washington, D.C., USA)
- 2014 United Way International Network Team Workshop (Washington, D.C., USA)
- 2014 United Way Community Leaders Conference (Washington, D.C., USA)
- 2014 Corporate Impact Summit for Multinational Companies (Seoul, Korea)
- 2016 Benchmarking Study Trip to the UK Civil Society (London, UK)
- 2018 International Visitors Leadership Program (Washington, D.C., San Antonio, Portland, USA)
- 2025 21st Annual Nonprofit Leadership and Governance Symposium (San Diego, USA)
- Numerous other seminars, training sessions, and conferences
Major Fields
- General Development & Strategic Planning on Not-for-Profits
- Organizational Health and Sustainability
- Performance Measurement and Social Impact
- Collective Impact, Public-Private Partnerships'ABOUT' 카테고리의 다른 글
(2024년 신간!) 이재현 대표 저서 안내 (0) 2021.02.15 NPO스쿨 연락처 (0) 2019.02.05 (2024개편) 조직구성 (1) 2016.11.14 건강한 조직으로 갑시다 (0) 2015.03.26 이재현 대표 경력과 활동 (0) 2015.03.26 - You can invite Jaehyun Lee to give a lecture or request consulting from him